13 Jul 2018 Interim PBN Flight Paths Trial Report Released

In November 2017, Christchurch International Airport and its partners, embarked on a 12-month Performance Based Navigation (PBN) trial to determine the safety, environmental, economic and social benefits it could provide to travelers, the airlines, Christchurch Airport and the wider community by delivering aircraft more safely, efficiently and predictably to its destination.

Today, the PBN trial partners have prepared the following summary outlining progress of the PBN flight paths trial.

A full report is to be issued on completion of the 12 month trial at the end of 2018.

Airways New Zealand, the Board of Airline Representatives New Zealand (BARNZ), Christchurch Airport and New Southern Sky (NSS) approved this interim review and recommendations of the PBN flight paths trial.

To find out more about the trial click here:

More About Performance Based Navigation

To learn more about Performance Based Navigation under the New Southern Sky Programme click here.

To view the perspective of a Part 135 Operator and how PBN has changed their operations click here. In this short video, Massey Lynch takes you through how he and his Air Ambulance team conduct PBN operations from start to finish.